There are many different diet programs and they all work in the beginning, but almost none of them work long term if you don't stick to them. Several medical studies have found that low-carb diets can yield faster weight loss results than traditional diets, but after awhile, results from all diets are about even. You will lose weight if you take in fewer calories than the body needs but usually only for a short time, you will gain the weight back when you stop the plan. The best diet is one that you can stick to, and that is not easy long term. All the diet programs below have something to offer to make weight loss easier and last for a long time.
The South Beach Diet, by Arthur Agatston, MD, claims that it is not low-carb, nor is it low-fat. Instead, it is right carbs and right fats. It doesn't omit any major food groups, so all the nutrients, minerals and vitamins were preserved. In phase 1, most participants lose 8 to 14 pounds after two weeks by eliminating simple carbohydrates. 2 small snacks between meals were necessary. In Phase 2, it lasts until you reach your desired weight. You can add beans, most fruits, brown rice, dark bread, wine, all grain and whole wheat cereals in moderation. 1-2 pounds per week of weight loss was expected. Phase 3 is to maintain the desired weight, and you'll continue to make good eating choices. The plan will feel less like a diet and more like a lifestyle. You can repeat the diet plan from phase 1 again if necessary.
Comment: I like the allowable food list in phase 1. This diet gave me initial success then I incorporated other ways to sustain the long term weight loss.
The Zone Diet, by Barry Sears, Ph.D., contains 40% carbohydrate, 30% protein and 30% fat. The right ratio of carbohydrates to proteins and fats will help to control the insulin in the bloodstream. High insulin level due to insulin resistance can increase fat storage and inflammation in the body. Sears asserts that the Zone Diet actually optimizes the body's metabolic function. By regulating blood sugar, you can burn excess body fat. No particular food group are prohibited, however saturated fat and high glycemic index carbs should be avoided. Fruits and vegetables are the preferred source of carbs and unsaturated fats (such as olive oil, almonds, avocados) are the ideal choice of fats.
Comment: I like the concept of balanced food.
Atkins diet, by Dr. Atkins, claims that you can lose weight on low-carb and high-fat, high-protein diet. It advocates a limited amount of simple carbohydrates, exercise and proper portion control. He believed that high carbohydrates in your diet causes insulin elevation and speeds up the conversion of calories to fat. During initial induction phase, you obtain very limited carbohydrate primarily from salad and other non-starchy vegetables. The critics are against the Atkins diet's focus on a diet that are rich in protein and saturated fats. He thought fat from diet can't be stored without insulin elevation. Some studies have shown that over a period of four month, the Atkins diet helped a group of people drop an average of 21 pounds, lower their cholesterol and triglyceride levels and raise HDL. It outperforms a lot of other diet programs in the short run, about a year or less, but unknown long term.
Comment: I like low carb approach in the initial phase but not the high fat diet, although Dr. Atkins explained that fat from diet can't be stored without elevated insulin. Fat and protein are the main sources of fuel in such a low carb diet, low fat intake might cause protein depletion including muscles. I respect Dr. Atkins' revolutionary concept of low carb diet when others were concentrating on low fat diets.
Weight Watchers is a popular program which encourages a sensible diet consisting of healthy foods, exercise and a positive attitude. You can choose POINTS system or no-counting Core Plan. In-person group meetings and weigh-ins are the cornerstone of the Weight Watchers diet plan. Online program can avoid in person meeting. The food plan follows a low-calorie, high fiber diet.
Comment: Weight Watchers has a rather good long-term record. I like the concept of group support.
Dean Ornish's Life Choice Diet is a low-fat vegetarian way of eating with less than 10% calories from fat. The focus is on beans, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and nonfat dairy products consumed in moderation. Simple sugars and alcohols are to be avoided. Experts say that you will likely need more fat in your diet eventually.
Comment: I like the vegetarian approach but will avoid too much starchy food and encourage more good fats.
The Cabbage Soup Diet encouraged individuals to eat as much Cabbage soup and consume as much water as they want. Other foods are severely restricted. Drinking 7-8 glasses of water a day is also recommended. The Cabbage Soup Diet's 7-Day plan is easy to follow, however dieters are asked to consult their doctor before following this 7-day meal plan.
Cabbage Soup consists of 6 onions, 4-6 tomatoes, one cabbage, 2 green peppers, several celery stalks and/or one package of onion powder. After adding salt and pepper (or curry), they are boiled in water for 10 minutes then slowly cooked.
Day 1: Cabbage soup, plus any fruit (except bananas). Drink unsweetened tea, black coffee, cranberry juice and water.
Day 2: Cabbage soup, plus other vegetables (raw, boiled or steamed) and avoid dry beans, peas and corn. For dinner, eat a baked potato with butter.
Day 3: Cabbage soup, plus other fruits and vegetables.
Day 4: Cabbage soup, plus up to 8 bananas and fat-free milk.
Day 5: Cabbage soup, plus up to 6 tomatoes and up to 450 grams of meat or fish.
Day 6: Cabbage soup, plus meat and vegetables.
Day 7: Cabbage soup, plus brown rice, pure fruit juice and vegetables.
The Cabbage Soup Diet is effective in temporary and quick weight loss but is not for long-term weight loss. I personally tried it before and think if you can bear the boring soup, it is the most effective quick weight loss program I had ever tried.
Comment: I really like the idea of vegetable soup. Both fluid and vegetables will give you needed satiety and prevent hunger. Vegetables will add to portion size without too many calories. Cabbage contains vitamin Bs, C, calcium, potassium, phytonutrients and lots of fiber.
The Grapefruit Diet, also known as the Hollywood Diet, believes that grapefruit contains unique phytonutrients that reduce insulin levels, which in turn promotes weight loss. In a 2004 study led by Dr. Ken Fujioka found in a 12-week pilot study that on average, participants who ate half a grapefruit with each meal lost 3.6 pounds and those who drank a serving of grapefruit juice three times a day lost 3.3 pounds. Many patients in the study lost more than 10 pounds. However, it does not work for long-term weight management and some researchers believe more work needs to be carried out before recommendations are made regarding grapefruit intake.
Comment: I always enjoy grapefruit which is rich in fiber and antioxidant. If you are going to eat fruits at all why not grapefruit.
The Mediterranean Diet is rich in healthy fats from fish, olive oil, nuts and seeds, plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables,whole grains, and red wine, but lower your intake of red meat and processed foods. It is a rich source of essential fatty acids and antioxidants, a combination which can help improve cholesterol levels, protect heart health and combat obesity.
Comment: I like its healthy food list including good fats.
The Negative Calorie diet works on the idea that your body has to burn energy in order to digest certain foods. As a consequence, your body is actually burning fat. Certain negative calorie foods contain a surplus of vitamins and minerals which can speed up enzyme production in quantities sufficient to break down not only its own calories, but possible additional calories present in the digestion system. These negative calorie foods includes: asparagus, watermelon, pineapple, grape fruit and papaya.
Comment: The same idea will apply to the concept that increased fiber content and nutrients will prolong digestion and burn more energy.
Nutrisystem offers the weight loss program that is based on the Glycemic Index, They offer meal plans with meals, desserts and snacks that are low in fat and contain good carbohydrates and protein. Nutri System is simple, easy to follow and effective if the dieting is the only concern.
Comment: Perfect if you don't want to prepare meals or weigh portions.
Volumetrics is a weight loss diet designed by Dr. Barbara Rolls, who teaches nutrition at Pennsylvania State University. People are encouraged to consume low energy density foods with less calories in specific amount, which you can consume larger volume and create a feeling of fullness but not too many calories. Dr. Rolls says the best foods for this job are water-based. For example, fruits and vegetables have high water content and would be good choices for this diet, along with lean proteins, low-fat dairies and whole grains. Dr. Rolls believes water is key to creating fullness, but it’s important to receive this water through foods and not just by drinking.
Comment: I really like the idea of large satisfying portion of low energy density foods with less calories. This gives the true meaning of eating more and losing weight.
The 3-hour diet, by Dr. Jorge Cruise, advises eating every 3 hours to prevent excessive glycogen depletion, triggering starvation protection mechanism and causing fat storing. Dr. Cruise also advises 8 minutes exercise program twice a week (or daily) instead of 30 minutes a day. Almost any food is allowed, but encourages sensible portion control and plenty of vegetables and fruits. Like all other diet programs high fiber carbs and unsaturated fat are preferred. The total amount of daily calorie will be reduced to about 1450 calories a day. There will be total of 3 meals (400 calories each), 2 snacks (100 calories each) and a treat (50 calories) a day, but can't eat within 3 hours before bedtime. Actually some other diet programs advise the same 2 snacks and 3 meals a day, and the only difference is the timing of every 3 hours.
Comment: I like the idea of frequent and timely small meals.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
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