Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Since regular exercise is so important for increasing calorie usage and long term weight loss, I would advise to establish daily exercise routine first before starting diet program. I exercise 30 to 40 minutes before breakfast and 5 to 15 minutes in the evening. I will increase exercise to about one hour a day temporarily, if I overeat or gain weight unexpectedly. The type of exercise will aim at stretching, strength training (weight bearing and resistance exercises) and cardiovascular exercises. My favorite routine includes dumbbell arm rows, abdominal crunches, push-ups, stretching, squatting, brisk walking, aerobics or stair climbing.
I weight myself everyday at the same time to keep track of the progress. If I don't lose the desired weight of 1-2 pounds a week, then I will be more careful with what I eat and exercise more. If I gain weight unexpectedly, very often I can get ride of that extra pound in a few days. Because sudden one pound weight gain is mostly glycogen and a lot of water, not all 3500 calories of fat. What I don’t want is to weight only once a week and find myself 3 pounds heavier. It is not only difficult to lose all that 3 pounds in a short time and is also very discouraging.
There are two very important things to remember, regular exercise and a lot of vegetable soups. Portion control is not really necessary because the diet will contain a lot of fiber and fluid. That might be the main difference from most of other diet programs. Dieting without exercise might be harmful to your health. The failure rate is extremely high, and when they fail they will gain significantly more weight. Even they just gain back the same weight they had lost before, they will have more fat and their size will increase. Rarely, If they are successful and reduce weight to ideal BMI, they probably will lose so much muscle that they might be unhealthy or look anorexic.
Benefits of exercise
1. Exercise increases metabolism and burns more calories.
2. Exercise, mainly strength exercises, builds more muscle masses and increases basic metabolic rate.
3. The benefit of afterburn continues to burn fat at an accelerated rate after exercise because of elevated metabolism for hours afterwards.
4. Exercise is a positive activity because it makes you look better and fit, relieves the stress, makes you feel better by releasing endorphin and makes you want to do more.
5. Exercise (and adequate sleep) releases growth hormone, which promotes growth in children, increases calcium retention and bone density, increases muscle mass, promotes lipolysis and reduces body fat, increases protein synthesis and stimulates the growth of all internal organs except the brain, and stimulates the immune system.
6. Exercise may be especially helpful in reducing the size of fat cells around the waistline. Diet alone showed no such change even with the similar weight loss. That’s important, because fat specifically in the abdomen has been linked to the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
7. Exercise suppresses appetite and keeps your mind off craving.
8. Both exercise and dieting can help to lose weight. You can always do more exercise, but it is very difficult and unhealthy to keep on reducing the calorie intake.
9. Exercise and dieting reduce serum leptin level. In dieting, depressed leptin slow down metabolism and prevent weight loss. Instead, exercise increases metabolism and leptin sensitivity, thus promoting even more weight loss.
10. Exercise will improve physical and mental health, cardiovascular risk factors, insulin sensitivity and the chance of preventing diabetes. These benefits occur independently of weight loss.
11. Exercise is a healthier way to reduce body fat than dieting which burns both fat and protein (including muscles). In low glycemic state exercise mainly burns fat.
12. Exercise will help you sleep better, improve your resistance to fight infections, lower your risk of cancer and heart disease.
The key is to take in fewer calories than your daily requirement, which can be enhanced by increasing metabolism with exercise, building muscle mass, eating proper breakfast, right timing and right kinds of food, plenty of salsa or hot peppers etc. When, how and what you eat can make a lot of difference because they can affect the metabolic rate and total calorie intake. Don't skip breakfast and replace with late night snack. Eat frequent and small meals. If you do have high glycemic index carbohydrates, mix them with vegetables, proteins or unsaturated fats, so they can be absorbed slowly. What you eat should consist of low glycemic carbs, lean meats (less red meat) and unsaturated fats (including Omega-3). Hormones (insulin, cortisol, Glucagon, Leptin, etc) response to behavior of eating also play a very important role in weight control. High fiber low glycemic index carbohydrates reduce calorie intake but slowly replenishing glucose and glycogen. Glycogen storage is depleted so fat can be burned, but shouldn't be too much for too long to preserve muscle, because both fat and protein will be burned as fuel. We have plenty of body fat to be used, so external fat (except good fat) intake should be limited. Protein comes from food, muscle and even internal organs (in self-imposed famine or anorexia), so adequate protein intake is important. The brain burns up about 60-70% of body glucose. Normally, brain can only use glucose, which can come from protein (not from fat) when blood glucose is low. In rare instance, the brain has the capacity to adapt to the use of ketone bodies from fatty acid oxidation during starvation and diabetes mellitus (glucose can't be utilized due to lack of insulin). Amino acids are also needed for strengthening and building muscles, further stressing the necessity of external protein consumption.
Omega-3 fatty acid reduces insulin resistance and along with other unsaturated fats can fight inflammation, decrease LDL, raise HDL, and reduce atherosclerosis. Large amount of vegetables, soups or unsweetened drinks will keep your stomach satisfied. Snacks will prevent hunger and excessive glycogen depletion since the meals will have much fewer calories than usual.
Remember, without exercise dieting alone will be much harder to lose weight, and other health benefits of exercise are as important as weight loss. Without dieting exercise alone won't help you lose weight either. In low glycemic state, dieting burns both fat and muscle, but exercise mainly uses fat as fuel. To lose weight dieting might be faster initially, but exercise is healthier. With firming and building muscles and burning more calories, exercise will sustain weight loss more effectively and last longer. Exercise may be especially helpful in reducing the size of fat cells around the waistline. Diet alone showed no such change even with the similar weight loss. That’s important, because fat specifically in the abdomen has been linked to the risk of heart disease and diabetes. What you don't want to have is a slim but unhealthy body like some people looked when they had quick weight loss without exercise and were thought to be anorexic. Actually, dieting is a negative and restrictive concept because you have to reduce some portion size and calorie intake, avoid some of your favorite food and eating food like vegetables and fish those are not the food most people like. Instead, exercise is a positive activity because it make you look better, feel better by releasing endorphin and make you want to do more, make you fit and improve your physical and mental health.
Important Medical and Scientific Facts
Why is it important to avoid overweight and obesity? They cause insulin resistance which then lead to prediabetes, metabolic syndrome, atherosclerosis, macrovascular (cardiovascular) diseases and eventually develop into full blown type 2 diabetes and microvascular diseases. Actually, a lot of prediabetic people already have damage to cardiovascular system, hypertension, elevated LDL (low density cholesterol) and TG (triglycerides). Overweight is BMI (body mass index) >= 25, and obesity is BMI >=30. Prediabetes is defined as IFG (impaired fasting glucose, 100-125 mg/dl) and/or IGT (impaired glucose tolerance, 140-199 mg/dl in 2-H OGTT). Fasting blood sugar, OGTT (oral glucose tolerance test) with insulin level, triglycerides and lipid profile should be checked to find out prediabetes and/or metabolic syndrome.
An estimated 66 percent of U.S. adults are either overweight or obese. 41 million Americans have prediabetes, about 40% of all adults age 40-74 years, and the number is increasing and getting younger. 20 millions have diabetes (about 7% of population), of which 90% are type 2, developed from prediabetes usually within 10 years. 80% of individuals with type 2 diabetes are obese. Lifestyle modification resulting in a 5% to 7% weight loss lowered the incidence of type 2 diabetes by 58% after a 3.2-year follow-up period from previous study in Diabetes Prevention Program.
Drug intervention is less effective and costly with possible side effects. Currently, there are two drugs for obesity that are approved by the Food and Drug Administration for long-term use: sibutramine (Meridia, reduces appetite) and orlistat (Xenical, a lipase inhibitor, decreases dietary fat absorption by 30 percent). The latter is available over the counter.
2. Carbohydrates and Insulin
Excess intake of starchy and sugary food (white bread, white rice, potato, pasta, soft drinks, sweets, ice cream) leads to elevated blood glucose and increases insulin secretion. Insulin helps cells to metabolize glucose, to store excess glucose as glycogen and convert it into triglycerides. Too much insulin drastically drops the level of blood sugar and causes hunger 3-4 hours after meals. More eating produces more triglycerides, which are then stored in fat cells. Longer periods of elevated insulin and being overweight eventually cause insulin resistance and lead to metabolic syndrome and macrovascular (cardiovascular) disease. After several years, insulin resistance finally exhausts the beta cells in the pancreas and leads to overt type 2 diabetes.
The best way to increase insulin sensitivity is to lower your body weight and to exercise. Diet rich in fiber will slow and prolong the glucose absorption, and will prevent the blood sugar and insulin spike and hunger 3-4 hours after meals. But prediabetic people with elevated insulin due to insulin resistance are still going to be hungry, that is why snacks between meals are very important. Make sure total amount of calorie intake will be less than daily requirement (about 2,500 calories a day for men and 2,000 calories for women).
Small amount of fructose accelerates release of glucokinase, and then stimulates glycogen synthesis and increases hepatic glucose uptake in the presence of high glucose levels and thereby lower peripheral glycemia (In low glycemic state glusokinase reverses the direction and induces glycolysis). Fruits and vegetables, containing small amount of fructose, can have a positive effect for diabetic control. But too much high fructose sweeteners (sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup) leads to lipogenesis, triglycerides synthesis and insulin resistance. Fructose can only be metabolized or be stored as glycogen in liver. When liver's glycogen storage is full, fructose turns into fatty acids and triglycerides. Most of fruits and leafy vegetables have small amount of fructose. With high fiber content and slow absorption, their effect is beneficial. Fructose content in sucrose (table sugar) is 50% and high-fructose corn syrup is about 55%, and the latter is in most fruit drinks, soft drinks and as commercial food sweeteners. They certainly will lead to fat storage.
3. Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic syndrome (syndrome X, obesity dyslipidemia syndrome, or best called insulin resistance syndrome) with insulin resistance and abdominal obesity leads to coronary artery disease and its sequelae, and plays a major role in developing Type 2 diabetes. The presence of any three of the following characteristics of the metabolic syndrome is sufficient to confirm the diagnosis. They are abdominal obesity (waist circumference: men>40in, women>35 in), low HDL cholesterol (men < 40 mg/dl, women < 50 mg/dl), elevated triglycerides (>=150mg/dl), high blood pressure (>=130/85 mm Hg) and elevated fasting glucose (100-125 mg/dl) or IGT (impaired glucose tolerance 2-H OGTT 140-199 mg/dl). It has been recognized that insulin resistance and its associated high risk for CVD precede the diagnosis of diabetes by 10-20 years.
There are several mechanisms to explain how obesity, especially visceral obesity, leads to insulin resistance and contributes to cardiovascular disease. Visceral adipocytes are far more metabolically active than subcutaneous adipocytes. Lipolysis (release of free fatty acids) from visceral fat is more pronounced than from subcutaneous fat, and visceral fat cells are less sensitive to suppression of lipolysis by insulin. Visceral fat has direct access to the portal circulation. Increased amounts of free fatty acids being released into the portal circulation may impair the metabolism and action of insulin and increase gluconeogenesis in the liver. Different mediators secreted by the adipocytes (esp. from visceral fat) have been implicated in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance associated with obesity. These mediators or chemical messengers, collectively known as "adipokines" include tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a, adiponectin, interleukins, resistin, angiotensin II, C-reactive protein, free fatty acid, PAI-1 (plasminogen activator inhibitor--increase coagulability), and leptin. Adiponectin, reduced in obese people, appears to enhance insulin action, but it will increase appetite and slow down metabolism. Elevated leptin supposes to increase metabolism, suppress appetite and burn fat, but in the age of overeating, leptin resistance occurs and then the brain releases hunger signal instead. All the other adipokines are negatively affecting insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular system. Previous studies showed adiponectin reduces vascular inflammation, increases oxidation of free fatty acid and triglyceride, and reduces liver gluconeogenesis.
In metabolic syndrome, the cornerstone for management is to reduce the underlying cause, mainly obesity. For most patients, weight reduction and increased physical activity will reduce insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, hypertension, and dyslipidemia, and decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease. Specific therapies should also be targeted against the different components of the syndrome for each individual patient. Macrovascular (cardiovascular) disease is the major cause of morbidity and mortality, and these complications are established well before development of Type 2 diabetes. Early aggressive treatment aimed at reduction of visceral adiposity, glucose lowering, attention to blood pressure, dyslipidemia and prothrombotic state with insulin sensitizers (metformin and thiazolidinediones), statins, tissue-specific ACE inhibitors and aspirin are essential. Current recommendations for diabetic dyslipidemia advise that statin therapy should be routinely considered for all diabetics who are at risk for major vascular events, regardless of their baseline LDL.
4. Important fatty acids: Omega-3, 6, 9 fatty acids
Sunlight, chronic inflammation (as in metabolic syndrome), and many other exogenous and endogenous sources produce free radicals (chemical species that possess an unpaired electron in the outer shell of the molecule) in our body. Although some of the free radicals are necessary for life, they also trigger chains of chemical reactions and cause cell plasma membrane damage in multiple organs (including blood vessels) and block the cell's ability to utilize insulin effectively. This leads to the storage of body fat and weight gain. Antioxidants, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, alpha lipoic acid, coenzyme Q10, will block the free radicals, but will be depleted very quickly. Omega-3 essential fatty acids (polyunsaturated fats) can keep the cell membranes flexible, the receptors intact and sensitive to insulin. So diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids and fish oil supplements can have positive effect of burning sugar and fat, and avoiding storage of body fat. Omega-3 essential fatty acids can switch on key genes involved in burning fat and also involve in an energy metabolism and producing heat. In summary, omega-3 fatty acids have multiple energy producing pathways. So cold-water fish and supplemental fish oil and cod liver oil are greatly encouraged.
The omega-3 essential fatty acids in oily fish are called Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and they are considered much more valuable as these are the forms the body requires. In theory, humans are able to synthesize EPA and DHA from dietary ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), but in practice this process is inefficient. Scientists have therefore concluded that EPA and DHA should be obtained from diet. The richest sources of EPA and DHA are high-fat (10-15 per cent), cold-water fish like salmon, sardines, mackerel, anchovies, herring, trout and pilchards. EPA and DHA fatty acids make up 15-30 per cent of the oil content of these fish. Beside reducing insulin resistance, these two fatty acids play an important role as structural membrane lipids, and are pivotal in preventing heart disease, cancer, and many other diseases. The human brain is also highly dependent on DHA - low DHA levels have been linked to depression, schizophrenia, memory loss, and a higher risk of developing Alzheimer's.
Omega-6 fatty acids (Polyunsaturated fats) are essential to the proper development and functioning of the brain, reproductive systems, and metabolism, as well as helping maintain the health of skin and hair. Omega-6 fatty acids are 'essential fatty acids' that cannot be manufactured by the human body and must be ingested. Highest concentrations of this polyunsaturated fat are found in: soy, wheat, rice, hemp oils, grapeseed oil, and many nuts and seed. Excess intake of omega 6 can cause increased water retention, raised blood pressure and raised blood clotting. The typical American consumes far too much omega-6 fat in their diet while consuming very low levels of omega-3. The ideal ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats is 3:1 (suggestion ranging from 1:1 to 10:1). Today, though, our ratio averages from 20:1 to 50:1.
Omega-9 fatty acids (oleic acid, monounsaturated fatty acids) found in olive oil, acai fruit (berries), peanuts, and avocados. Omega-9 is not an 'essential fatty acid' meaning that it can be manufactured by the human body in limited quantities, unlike Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. It is used by the body to fight inflammation, decrease LDL, raise HDL, reduce atherosclerosis, balance blood sugar, and improve functioning of the immune system.
5. Exercise and Muscle Mass
Exercise increases metabolism and building muscle mass, and both will use more calories. Metabolism will also stay elevated for hours after exercise. Strenuous exercise will result in micro-trauma of the muscle, which will require energy to repair, and more calories will be burned. That is why exercise is such an efficient way to lose weight. Exercise and weight loss will increase insulin sensitivity, and can prevent or delay prediabetes from becoming diabetes. If you already have type 2 diabetes, losing weight and exercise can help you control your blood sugar levels and also may allow you to reduce the amount of diabetes medication you take. Exercise may be especially helpful in reducing the size of fat cells around the waistline. Diet alone showed no such change even with the similar weight loss. That’s important, because fat specifically in the abdomen has been linked to the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Usually exercise 30-45 minutes a day 5 days a week will be sufficient.
Prolong and excessive dieting causes shortage of calories, our body's natural response is to conserve fat and break down muscle tissue for fuel. About 25% of weight loss due to dieting can be muscle loss (as much as 50% in the self-imposed famine), and one pound of muscle loss will reduce energy requirement by about 50 calories a day just doing nothing. Reduced muscle mass will decrease metabolism and slow down weight loss. You will have to reduce even more calorie intake or to increase exercise to lose more weight. Older people gain weight not because of age. They are relatively inactive and losing muscle mass, so metabolism slow down and gain weight. Usually sedentary adult loses about 7 pounds of muscle every decade.
Dieting reduces blood sugar and decreases insulin secretion. In overweight or obese people, depleted insulin will reduce amino acids uptake by the muscle and causes reduction of muscle mass. Omega-3 fatty acid can help by increase insulin sensitivity. Excessive glycogen storage depletion will also enhance muscle wasting, that is why snacking between meals is important. Just don't snack within 3 hours before going to bed.
At certain point, if you can't lose any more weight, please don't worry. It is possible to gain about one pound of muscle per week and lose about one pound of fat per week. When you're strength training you can get smaller and heavier at the same time. Muscle is a much denser tissue than fat. The fat takes up more space on your body. Just rely on the way you look and the way your clothes fit. The scale can be misleading. Exercise (and adequate sleep) also releases growth hormone, which promotes growth in children and also serves many other metabolic functions as well. It increases calcium retention and bone density, increases muscle mass, promotes lipolysis and reduces body fat, increases protein synthesis and stimulates the growth of all internal organs except the brain, and stimulates the immune system.
6. Other important hormones: Glucagon, Leptin, Ghrelin and Incretin
Glucagon is released from pancreas when the glucose level in the blood is low, causing the liver to convert stored glycogen into glucose and release it into the bloodstream. The action of glucagon is opposite to that of insulin, which instructs the body's cells to metabolize glucose, to store excess glucose as glycogen and convert it into triglycerides.
Leptin (produced by adipose tissue) concentration correlates with body fat content and is usually increased in obese subjects but stays rather constant. Elevated plasma leptin due to sudden weight gain will increase metabolism, burn fat and reduce appetite. Dieting and exercise will depress leptin even before weight loss begins. That is why it is so difficult to lose weight, because fasting or following a low calorie diet lowers leptin level, which will increase appetite and store fat. One of leptin's main effects may be to inhibit synthesis and release of the hypothalamic neuropeptide Y, which increases food intake, decreases thermogenesis, and increases levels of insulin and corticosteroid in the plasma, and causes weight gain. Leptin resistance does occur in obase people because the capacity for transporting leptin across the blood-brain barrier is diminished, and then the brain releases hunger signal even when serum leptin is elevated. Lack of sleep also depresses leptin and causes weight gain. Simply, sudden leptin elevation reduces weight, and prolong increase in leptin due to persistant overeating and leptin resistance will store fat. Diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acid and exercise will increase leptin (and insulin) sensitivity and help weight loss. A decent breakfast is a good way to keep the leptin level high and prevent overeating later.
Ghrelin, which is considered the counterpart of leptin, is a hormone produced by fundus of the human stomach. Ghrelin levels increase before meals and decrease after meals. Hunger and lack of sleep produce Ghrelin, which stimulates appetite and reduces leptin.
Incretins are a type of GI hormone that causes an increase in insulin secretion after eating, even before blood glucose elevation. They also reduce gastric emptying and may directly reduce food intake. They also inhibit glucagon release from pancreas. GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) and GIP (gastric inhibitory peptide) are the two main incretins. They are rapidly inactivated by the enzyme DPP-4 (dipeptidyl peptidase 4). GLP-1 (7-36) amide (The sequence of GLP-1 has insulinotropic effect) analog, exenatide, has been used to increase insulin secretion, but it must be administered by subcutaneous injection. DPP-4 inhibitors, like Januvia (sitagliptin), can be taken orally and prevent inactivation of GLP-1 and GIP thus causing lowering of blood sugar.
Important Diet Programs
The South Beach Diet, by Arthur Agatston, MD, claims that it is not low-carb, nor is it low-fat. Instead, it is right carbs and right fats. It doesn't omit any major food groups, so all the nutrients, minerals and vitamins were preserved. In phase 1, most participants lose 8 to 14 pounds after two weeks by eliminating simple carbohydrates. 2 small snacks between meals were necessary. In Phase 2, it lasts until you reach your desired weight. You can add beans, most fruits, brown rice, dark bread, wine, all grain and whole wheat cereals in moderation. 1-2 pounds per week of weight loss was expected. Phase 3 is to maintain the desired weight, and you'll continue to make good eating choices. The plan will feel less like a diet and more like a lifestyle. You can repeat the diet plan from phase 1 again if necessary.
Comment: I like the allowable food list in phase 1. This diet gave me initial success then I incorporated other ways to sustain the long term weight loss.
The Zone Diet, by Barry Sears, Ph.D., contains 40% carbohydrate, 30% protein and 30% fat. The right ratio of carbohydrates to proteins and fats will help to control the insulin in the bloodstream. High insulin level due to insulin resistance can increase fat storage and inflammation in the body. Sears asserts that the Zone Diet actually optimizes the body's metabolic function. By regulating blood sugar, you can burn excess body fat. No particular food group are prohibited, however saturated fat and high glycemic index carbs should be avoided. Fruits and vegetables are the preferred source of carbs and unsaturated fats (such as olive oil, almonds, avocados) are the ideal choice of fats.
Comment: I like the concept of balanced food.
Atkins diet, by Dr. Atkins, claims that you can lose weight on low-carb and high-fat, high-protein diet. It advocates a limited amount of simple carbohydrates, exercise and proper portion control. He believed that high carbohydrates in your diet causes insulin elevation and speeds up the conversion of calories to fat. During initial induction phase, you obtain very limited carbohydrate primarily from salad and other non-starchy vegetables. The critics are against the Atkins diet's focus on a diet that are rich in protein and saturated fats. He thought fat from diet can't be stored without insulin elevation. Some studies have shown that over a period of four month, the Atkins diet helped a group of people drop an average of 21 pounds, lower their cholesterol and triglyceride levels and raise HDL. It outperforms a lot of other diet programs in the short run, about a year or less, but unknown long term.
Comment: I like low carb approach in the initial phase but not the high fat diet, although Dr. Atkins explained that fat from diet can't be stored without elevated insulin. Fat and protein are the main sources of fuel in such a low carb diet, low fat intake might cause protein depletion including muscles. I respect Dr. Atkins' revolutionary concept of low carb diet when others were concentrating on low fat diets.
Weight Watchers is a popular program which encourages a sensible diet consisting of healthy foods, exercise and a positive attitude. You can choose POINTS system or no-counting Core Plan. In-person group meetings and weigh-ins are the cornerstone of the Weight Watchers diet plan. Online program can avoid in person meeting. The food plan follows a low-calorie, high fiber diet.
Comment: Weight Watchers has a rather good long-term record. I like the concept of group support.
Dean Ornish's Life Choice Diet is a low-fat vegetarian way of eating with less than 10% calories from fat. The focus is on beans, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and nonfat dairy products consumed in moderation. Simple sugars and alcohols are to be avoided. Experts say that you will likely need more fat in your diet eventually.
Comment: I like the vegetarian approach but will avoid too much starchy food and encourage more good fats.
The Cabbage Soup Diet encouraged individuals to eat as much Cabbage soup and consume as much water as they want. Other foods are severely restricted. Drinking 7-8 glasses of water a day is also recommended. The Cabbage Soup Diet's 7-Day plan is easy to follow, however dieters are asked to consult their doctor before following this 7-day meal plan.
Cabbage Soup consists of 6 onions, 4-6 tomatoes, one cabbage, 2 green peppers, several celery stalks and/or one package of onion powder. After adding salt and pepper (or curry), they are boiled in water for 10 minutes then slowly cooked.
Day 1: Cabbage soup, plus any fruit (except bananas). Drink unsweetened tea, black coffee, cranberry juice and water.
Day 2: Cabbage soup, plus other vegetables (raw, boiled or steamed) and avoid dry beans, peas and corn. For dinner, eat a baked potato with butter.
Day 3: Cabbage soup, plus other fruits and vegetables.
Day 4: Cabbage soup, plus up to 8 bananas and fat-free milk.
Day 5: Cabbage soup, plus up to 6 tomatoes and up to 450 grams of meat or fish.
Day 6: Cabbage soup, plus meat and vegetables.
Day 7: Cabbage soup, plus brown rice, pure fruit juice and vegetables.
The Cabbage Soup Diet is effective in temporary and quick weight loss but is not for long-term weight loss. I personally tried it before and think if you can bear the boring soup, it is the most effective quick weight loss program I had ever tried.
Comment: I really like the idea of vegetable soup. Both fluid and vegetables will give you needed satiety and prevent hunger. Vegetables will add to portion size without too many calories. Cabbage contains vitamin Bs, C, calcium, potassium, phytonutrients and lots of fiber.
The Grapefruit Diet, also known as the Hollywood Diet, believes that grapefruit contains unique phytonutrients that reduce insulin levels, which in turn promotes weight loss. In a 2004 study led by Dr. Ken Fujioka found in a 12-week pilot study that on average, participants who ate half a grapefruit with each meal lost 3.6 pounds and those who drank a serving of grapefruit juice three times a day lost 3.3 pounds. Many patients in the study lost more than 10 pounds. However, it does not work for long-term weight management and some researchers believe more work needs to be carried out before recommendations are made regarding grapefruit intake.
Comment: I always enjoy grapefruit which is rich in fiber and antioxidant. If you are going to eat fruits at all why not grapefruit.
The Mediterranean Diet is rich in healthy fats from fish, olive oil, nuts and seeds, plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables,whole grains, and red wine, but lower your intake of red meat and processed foods. It is a rich source of essential fatty acids and antioxidants, a combination which can help improve cholesterol levels, protect heart health and combat obesity.
Comment: I like its healthy food list including good fats.
The Negative Calorie diet works on the idea that your body has to burn energy in order to digest certain foods. As a consequence, your body is actually burning fat. Certain negative calorie foods contain a surplus of vitamins and minerals which can speed up enzyme production in quantities sufficient to break down not only its own calories, but possible additional calories present in the digestion system. These negative calorie foods includes: asparagus, watermelon, pineapple, grape fruit and papaya.
Comment: The same idea will apply to the concept that increased fiber content and nutrients will prolong digestion and burn more energy.
Nutrisystem offers the weight loss program that is based on the Glycemic Index, They offer meal plans with meals, desserts and snacks that are low in fat and contain good carbohydrates and protein. Nutri System is simple, easy to follow and effective if the dieting is the only concern.
Comment: Perfect if you don't want to prepare meals or weigh portions.
Volumetrics is a weight loss diet designed by Dr. Barbara Rolls, who teaches nutrition at Pennsylvania State University. People are encouraged to consume low energy density foods with less calories in specific amount, which you can consume larger volume and create a feeling of fullness but not too many calories. Dr. Rolls says the best foods for this job are water-based. For example, fruits and vegetables have high water content and would be good choices for this diet, along with lean proteins, low-fat dairies and whole grains. Dr. Rolls believes water is key to creating fullness, but it’s important to receive this water through foods and not just by drinking.
Comment: I really like the idea of large satisfying portion of low energy density foods with less calories. This gives the true meaning of eating more and losing weight.
The 3-hour diet, by Dr. Jorge Cruise, advises eating every 3 hours to prevent excessive glycogen depletion, triggering starvation protection mechanism and causing fat storing. Dr. Cruise also advises 8 minutes exercise program twice a week (or daily) instead of 30 minutes a day. Almost any food is allowed, but encourages sensible portion control and plenty of vegetables and fruits. Like all other diet programs high fiber carbs and unsaturated fat are preferred. The total amount of daily calorie will be reduced to about 1450 calories a day. There will be total of 3 meals (400 calories each), 2 snacks (100 calories each) and a treat (50 calories) a day, but can't eat within 3 hours before bedtime. Actually some other diet programs advise the same 2 snacks and 3 meals a day, and the only difference is the timing of every 3 hours.
Comment: I like the idea of frequent and timely small meals.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Important Foods
Low fat milk and dairy foods: Milk is a good source of protein, vitamin D, calcium, other vitamins (A, K and Bs) and minerals (potassium, magnesium, iodine and selenium). Studies show possible links between low fat milk consumption and reduced risk of hypertension, coronary heart disease and obesity. Overweight individuals who drink skim milk may benefit from decreased risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Low fat yogurt with beneficial bacteria can also help digestion, resist intestinal infection, and prevent ulcer and vaginal yeast infection.
Eggs: On balance egg is a nutritious food. Despite 200mg of cholesterol in each egg, it also contains protein, polyunsaturated fats, vitamins and minerals. Eating more than one egg a day might raise circulating cholesterol, yet has little effect on bad LDL. Some dietary cholesterol is needed for vital functions including immune system and production of hormones. So egg yolk restriction is only necessary in people with elevated serum cholesterol. 3 to 4 egg whites can be a good economic source of lean protein.
Nuts and seeds: They include almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans, pistachios, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, cashews, pine nuts, sesame seeds, flaxseeds and peanuts (one of legume family, not really nuts). They are high in protein, fibers, vitamins, unsaturated fats (including omega-3) and other nutrients. They reduce LDL and keep HDL cholesterol high and reduce heart diseases and heart attacks. They can be excellent snack if taken in small amount.
Soybeans and beans: Soy foods, mainly tofu, miso, soy sauces and soy milk, show a lot of health benefits including less heart disease, lower cholesterol, preventing some cancers, reducing symptoms of menopause and hot flashes. It is a good source of protein, vitamins, fiber, minerals and important nutrients, which include isoflavones, one of phytoestrogens. Soybeans can be made into a lot of products, and also be cooked in many different ways. Generally, all beans are rich in fiber, protein, phytonutrients and slow absorbing starch. If taken in moderation, beans are ideal long-term food.
Seafood: Fish and shellfish provide good protein, important nutrients, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids. Eating seafood twice a week is good for your heart and generally outweighs the risk of exposure to mercury and other dangerous contaminants, like dioxin and PCBs, but moderation and good choices are essential. Try to avoid white tuna, swordfish, king mackerel, shark, and tilefish because of high mercury content. Salmon, sardines, anchovies, shrimp, light tuna in a can, catfish and pollock are low in mercury and high in omega-3 fatty acids. For young children and women who are pregnant or may become pregnant limit the sea food to two servings per week, even in safer fish.
Fruits: Fruits have a lot of fiber, antioxidants and phytonutrients. Even with high sugar, absorption is slow due to high fiber content. They will be good as snack to suppress sweets craving. Apples, berries, plums, cherries, pears, peaches and grapefruits are some of the fruits good for your health. Apples contain large amounts of fibers, both soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber looks like gel and can slow glucose absorption and reduce appetite for several hours. It contains wide varieties of antioxidants, and anticancer and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients. Grapefruits are rich in fiber and antioxidants, and are thought to help weight loss and reduce insulin resistance. The interaction with prescription drugs is a drawback for some people. Berries, especially blueberries, are very high in phytonutrients including various antioxidants. Avocados are high in unsaturated fats including omega-3 fatty acids, and various vitamins. They help weight loss, cardiovascular health and anti-inflammation. Commercial fruit juices with high corn syrup should be avoided, and whole fruits are better than fresh squeezed fruit juices because of higher fiber content.
Whole grains: high fiber whole grain slows down glucose absorption and preventing blood sugar and insulin spike. The bran layer of whole grains contains beneficial vitamins, antioxidants, phytonutrients, minerals, and unsaturated fatty acids. Choose whole grain bread, cereals and brown rice instead of refined grain foods like white bread and white rice. Whole wheat, oats, pearl barley, brown rice and wild rice are some of the common types of beneficial whole grains.
Salsa, hot chili peppers, herbs and spices: They will increase metabolism, generate body heat and reduce insulin resistance. They contain antioxidants and beneficial phytonutrients, and also help weight loss and stabilize blood sugar. Curry, cinnamon, turmeric, cloves, red pepper flakes, ginger, garlic and chili powder are all in this group. Herbs and spices are usually used sparsely, so liberal used are encouraged.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
My Typical Meals
one egg, low fat cheese or turkey bacon, skim milk, coffee, tea, or vegetable juice. People with elevated cholesterol can avoid egg yolk. Whole grain cereal with skim milk will be just fine for the second phase. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and should be taken within one hour after getting up or after morning exercise. It will ease hunger, avoid overeating afterwards, increase energy level, increase metabolism and trigger more calorie burning. You burn a little muscle as fuel in the morning by skipping breakfast if waiting too long before next snack or lunch. You then build it back as fat by having big lunch and/or dinner. Worst thing you can do is replacing breakfast with midnight snack. You might be having the same calorie intake, but you will have more fat than muscles. You might weight the same, but the size will increase because fats take up more space than muscles.
Chicken (tuna, cheese, egg) salad with 2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar dressing (including lot of olive oil, lemon juice and pepper powder), fruits, unsweetened drinks, skim milk or vegetable/tofu/egg drop soups. Sandwich with two thin slices of whole grain bread, chicken or turkey, and a lot of vegetables will be ideal lunch for the second phase.
Tossed salad, fruits, lean meats includes fish, beef, pork or skinless poultry, very large bowl of stir-fried cabbage, napa, spinach, bean sprout and/or green bean, tofu with a little soy source, and a large bowl of soup with a lot of vegetables.
Handful of mixed nuts and seeds, fruits, low fat yogurt, cheese, or cottage cheese, vegetables, or skim milk are ideal snacks for the first phase. Small amount of snack should be taken between each meal. If you have late breakfast, you don't need to snack before lunch. The second snack can be between dinner and bedtime for late sleepers as long as you don't eat within 3 hours before bedtime.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Life Time Phase
Occasionally, I do overeat especially during holiday, vocation or binging on all-you-can-eat buffet, and gained some weight. But once I returned to normal meal, all the weight gain was gone very soon. First, elevated plasma leptin will increase metabolism and burn more calories. Second, most of the sudden weight gain is due to glycogen and water storage because of increased carbohydrate intake. A little more exercise and phase 1 diet will take care of it in a short time.
As you lose weight your basic daily calorie requirement will decrease. The same diet, which used to help you lose weight, might make you gain weight. So slight diet adjustment is necessary. This is the time when exercise will really help. As you establish the exercise routine and getting stronger adding few more minutes of exercise will be much easier. Increase calorie usage from more exercise will offset the decreased calorie requirement in a thinner person.
Fat Burning Phase
This is the phase very likely to fail, because it can last for a long time, initial water loss might regain and a lot of people relax and indulge in poor food choice again. By now you should already establish your daily exercise routine which is so important that it will make or break your success in losing weight. You can always go back to first phase anytime again. If you think first phase is too restrictive you can skip it and start second phase right away. Just have slower weight lose of 1-2 pounds a week.
Quick Loss Phase
Commercial salad dressings and ketchup should be avoided. Make your own salad dressing with vinegar, olive oil, lemon juice and pepper powder. Total amount of calories will be reduced each meal so it is important to have 2 snacks a day between meals. Try to keep the same or adequate portion sizes but replace some ingredients with high fiber vegetables, which are filling and low in calories. To further satisfy your stomach you should have a beverage like unsweetened drink, tea, coffee or soup with each meal or snack. Snacks should consist of small handful of nuts and seeds, skim milk, low fat dairy, soy foods and/or vegetables. If you have late breakfast, you don't need to snack before lunch. The second snack can be between dinner and bedtime for late sleepers as long as you don't eat within 3 hours before bedtime. Actually one of the best way to lose weight in my experience is going to bed early without any late night snack, and has an early morning exercise.
Adequate sleep can prevent weight gain due to proper leptin production to suppress appetite, increase metabolism and burn fat. Excessive hunger should be avoided because it will trigger starvation protection mechanism and produce cortisol. It will increase blood glucose by inhibiting extrahepatic tissue uptake, store fat and also improve appetite. If you have enough low glycemic index foods to satisfy yourself you can very quickly ease out rice and starchy foods.
Prolong dieting results in glycogen depletion, so protein and fat become the main sources of fuel. Normally, brain can only use glucose, which can come from protein (not from fat) when blood glucose is low. The brain has the capacity to adapt to the use of ketone bodies from fatty acid oxidation during starvation and diabetes mellitus (glucose can't be utilized due to lack of insulin). Our body has plenty of fat to be used, but you don't want to burn body protein (mainly muscle, and rarely from some vital structural tissue like heart muscle in prolong starvation). Protein foods take time to empty from stomach so you feel full longer. They will slow glucose absorption and if needed can covert to glucose, this will stabilize blood sugar.
Usually about 30% of total calorie intake should be from protein (high protein diet only affect kidney with impaired function, but serum calcium can be depressed if too much protein is used as fuel for a long time), and 40% from carbohydrates. Actually, percentage of carbohydrate can be lower. Stored glycogen holds about 3 to 4 times more water with it. Water is required for fat metabolism, and its metabolite, ketone body, has diuretic effect. Because of reduced carbohydrates intake, glycogen depletion and increased fat burning, the initial weight loss is mainly water loss. This water loss will be restored once carbohydrate's intake increases. Reduced calorie intake may also decrease the body metabolism. So don't be upset over stalled weight loss after initial success. The key is to keep glycogen low but not too low for too long (muscle wasting), so fat can be used as energy source.
High degree of determination and self-motivation will prove fruitful. If you think first phase is too restrictive you can skip it and start second phase right away, and just have slower weight loss initially.
Remember, excess body fat mainly comes from too much carbohydrate intake, and cold-water fish (wild salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel and trout) is the best source of protein and unsaturated fat. Do take 1000 mg fish oil 1 to 3 capsules a day. In this phase you should already develop your own exercise routine which should include stretching, strength (weight bearing) training and cardio exercise.
Diet Program
You can always lose weight if you take in fewer calories than your body needs. Most of diet programs aim at reducing your carbohydrate and saturated fat intake. Actually, the right kind of carbohydrates, lean meats and good fats should be the main components of a healthy diet, and they can be found in all major food groups. Low glycemic index and glycemic load carbohydrates will replenishing glucose and glycogen slowly to avoid blood sugar and insulin spike. Lean meats will supply amino acids to your muscles and amino acids can convert to glucose (catabolism of amino acids will produce energy in citric acid cycle, just like glucose) if needed especially for the brain in low glycemic state. Good fats include unsaturated fat and omega-3 fatty acids. Having the right mix and different varieties of food is very important. A small amount of high glycemic index food (white bread, rice or noodle), mixed with vegetables, lean meats or unsaturated fats, becomes low glycemic index food because of slow absorption of glucose. Different varieties and whole natural foods also ensure that valuable nutrients are included in your diet. Lacking certain nutrients can make you hungry even if you already have an adequate calorie intake.
There are 3 phases in this diet program. The first phase usually will reduce about 10 lbs. in 2 weeks. Because of reduced carbohydrates intake, the initial weight loss is mainly water loss due to glycogen depletion (stored glycogen holds 3 to 4 times more water with it). Fat burning will begin in the later part of this phase. You can skip the first phase if you think the diet is too restrictive even for just 2 weeks since fruits, beans and whole grains are not allowed. An alternative is to start from the second phase right away and simply have slower weight loss initially. Some experts actually prefer slower weight loss from the beginning, in order to minimize your body's muscle loss (explained in second paragraph of "My Success"). The second phase will reduce 1-2 lbs. a week for as long as it takes to achieve your desired weight. With the help of exercise and a proper diet, you will successfully burn fat. Third phase is to maintain your new desired weight. This means developing a sensible eating plan for your life, after you have stopped dieting. Instead of dieting, you can rely on your own good eating choices, right timing and right food mixture. If necessary, you can still repeat this diet plan from the first phase again. I have given a different name to each phase to express what it does.
1. Quick loss phase. 2. Fat burning phase. 3. Lifetime phase.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Exercise Program
I used to think diet is more important than exercise if someone wants to lose weight, later I thought they are equally important. Now I think exercise is more important especially for long lasting weight loss. Independently, exercise without dieting is much healthier and more effective for weight loss than dieting alone. Exercise increases metabolism and muscle mass, and both will burn more calories. Exercise will improve physical and mental health, cardiovascular risk factors, insulin sensitivity and the chance of preventing diabetes. These benefits occur independently of weight loss.
Some expert said the best time to exercise is one to two hours after meal (higher blood sugar and least glycogen depletion), but actually anytime is a good time. Actually, in low glycemic state exercise mainly burns fat, so it should be done first thing in the morning before breakfast when the glycogen is depleted and fat will be burned. The benefit of after burn continues to burn fat at an accelerated rate after the workout because of elevated metabolism for hours afterwards. Exercise is a healthier way to reduce body fat than dieting which burns both fat and protein (including muscles).
If you can find a buddy, like spouse or friend, to participate, it can help you to adhere to the routine. Don't overeat before or after exercise and think you need it or can afford it. Some people load up carbohydrates before, during and after golfing. They actually are taking in more calories than the exercise can burn. Whenever you feel like the diet just won't be able to get rid of that last few pounds, adding few more minutes of exercise everyday will do the trick. I lost my last 5 pounds in 3 weeks by increasing to more than one hour of daily exercise from 45 minutes and eating more vegetables. Actually, I can always lose a pound very quickly by running up and down stairs for about 15 minutes a day for a few days. If you like to try it, just make sure you don’t have knee problem. I am back to my regular exercise time now, but very often I have a strong urge to do more.
My Exercise Routine
I like to stress here again the important of exercise. I would advise to establish daily exercise routine with 45 minutes of moderate degree of exercise a day for at least one week before starting diet program. The best exercise program for me is the one I can do it anytime and anywhere. I do all the following 6 exercise routines at home and the only equipment is one 25 pounds dumbbell.
1) Warm-up and stretching everyday: Neck press and turn head in different directions. Rotate the head 15 times clockwise and counterclockwise. Rotate and stretch both arms in different positions. Bent forwards, backwards, sideways and obliquely to stretch the back.
2) 100-200 abdominal crunches or sit-ups a day for abdominal muscles.
3) 100-200 push-ups against the back or sides of a sofa a day or 20 to 30 floor push-ups for triceps, shoulder, chest and back muscles (knee push-ups for women).
4) For biceps, 10 pounds dumbbell arm row 100-200 times a day for both arms (increase to 25 pounds slowly), 3 or 5 lbs. for women.
5) Squatting 100-200 times a day for leg and hip muscles with or without dumbbells.
6) For cardio exercise, I do use either treadmill (or elliptical trainer), stationary bike, brisk walking, stair climbing or moderate-intensity aerobics for 30 minutes 5 times a week.
Except warm-up and stretching, which I do everyday, strength exercises (weight-bearing and resistance exercises) should be done every other day because of micro-trauma of the muscles, which will require time to repair and grow. As I am getting stronger, the number of abdominal crunches, push-ups and dumbbell rows has been increasing. The exercise can be divided into 8-10 repetitions and try to do it in an interval exercise pattern to burn more calories (few seconds to few minutes of rest or slow down between intense or fast exercises). High-intensity interval training is twice as effective as normal exercise, and intense bursts of activity are precisely what the body needs to build stronger muscles. I usually exercise 30 to 40 minutes before breakfast and 5 to 15 minutes in the evening. All these can be done at home and inexpensive. I also like to do short bursts of strenuous exercises few times a day to increase metabolism, like running upstairs, 25 pounds dumbbell arm rows, push ups or really stepping on stationary bike. Don't sit in one place for too long, like sit behind desk, in front of TV or computer for 3-4 hours continuously. Because it will harm your heart and your health, even you do regular exercise everyday. Do take a break, stretch, get up and move around often.
Most of the exercises mentioned above are strength exercises, and they can build and firm up the whole body muscles and prevent osteoporosis. There are a lot of different ways to exercise, and you should find your own way that is sustainable and also fun for you. My favorite routine includes dumbbell rows, abdominal crunches, push-ups, squatting, low impact high energy aerobics, climbing stairs and stretching. Walking briskly for 30 minutes a day has been the choice of most programs. Workout in a gym is a good way to exercise if you can stick with it, but for me do it home is the best and easiest way. You can even set up a simple gym at home if you can afford it. Step aerobics, dancing, swimming, bicycling, golfing, elastic band stretching, Pilates and yoga are some of the other examples. They should include stretching, strength training and cardio exercises, and should involve all major upper and lower extremities, chest, back and abdominal muscle groups.
In general, you should do moderate-intensity cardio exercises 5 times a week and strength exercises every other day or everyday if different muscle groups were used alternately. Depending upon the intensity, from mild to vigorous, the cardio exercise should be limited to 20 to 60 minutes each time, because cortisol released during exercise can cause catabolic effect of muscle if glycogen storage is overly depleted. Instead, strength exercises build muscles and increase basic metabolic rate, thus promoting more weight loss.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
My Success
Before I explain the principles of success, I like to explain how the energy was stored and burned, and how it relates to weight loss. The way our bodies store and use energy is a little complicated. Excess sugar are stored as glycogen in liver and muscle, when it is full then it will be stored as fat. Glycogen is much easier and readily available than fat to be used for energy. When blood sugar drops glycogen will convert to sugar right away. When glycogen drops to certain level then fat will be used along with glycogen. We don't know the exact level, but this is the level dieters need to reach. At this time dieters should eat low glycemic diet and snack properly to replenish the glycogen slowly, but not too much so fat can be burned. If glycogen gets much lower both fat and protein will be used. If glycogen goes even lower, or when sense of hunger persists, the starvation protection mode kicks in. Cortisol hormone was then released and fat will be preserved to save energy, protein will become the main source of fuel. This protein comes from food, muscle and even internal organs (in self imposed famine or anorexia). So adequate external source (from food) of protein is very important. Dieters' glycogen level varies greatly from full to severe depletion. Dieters come in and out of starvation mode all the time, so up to 25% of weight loss can be muscle loss. Usually faster weight loss from dieting will result in higher percentage of muscle loss. Slower weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per week with regular exercise can minimize the muscle loss, and even build more muscle. It has been well documented that the faster you loss weight, the more likely you are to gain it back. Fatty food, except good fat (unsaturated fat and Omega-3 fatty acid), should be avoided so body fat can be used.
Many of the principles in this weight loss program are based on popular diet programs with modifications, as well as medical and scientific principles. I weigh 140 pounds now with height of 5 feet 6 inches; I have an ideal BMI of 22.6. So what did I do to be successful? The principles are simple, and if you fully understand and follow them, then weight loss shouldn’t be difficult.
1. Establish daily exercise routine first before dieting.
Exercise is a positive activity and dieting is a negative and restrictive concept. It is always a good idea to build on the positive first. You can always do more exercise, but it is difficult to keep on decreasing the calorie intake. If you fail on one diet program, exercise can always lessen the failure temporarily before you modify or reestablish another program. Exercise will reduce muscle loss while you are losing weight. Actually, it will build muscle mass and help weight loss by increasing metabolism. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day 5 days a week, but I prefer 45 minutes everyday.
2. Speed up metabolism will burn more calories.
Strength training and building muscle masses are the best ways to boost the metabolism. Active lifestyle, more exercise, short bursts of strenuous exercises, eating proper breakfast, small and frequent meals, right timing and right kinds of food, plenty of salsa, spices or hot peppers will all increase the metabolism.
3. You can lose weight if you take in fewer calories than the body needs with right kinds of food and right timing. What, when and how you eat can make a lot of difference because they can affect the metabolic rate and total calorie intake.
What you want to eat are low glycemic foods include non-starchy vegetables, lean meats and unsaturated fats. Natural and whole foods are preferred due to both known and unknown nutrients than refined foods which are loaded with known and unknown preservatives and/or corn syrup. Organic foods are even better if they are available. You can find lots of organic food in farmers' markets if you ask. Moderation is important because even too many healthy foods (except non-starchy vegetables) can add up to a lot of calories. You don’t have to count the calorie, but do make good eating choices. Avoid any unnecessary eating, like ice cream, chips or soft drinks, because extra bites mean extra calories. Occasional small amount of high glycemic foods like bread, cake or rice are acceptable for breakfast or lunch. They replenish the depleted glycogen storage and have whole day to be used. The amount should be small enough to avoid blood sugar and insulin spike, and overflowing into fat storage.
When you eat can affect how the calories are stored and burned. Eat early and have a large breakfast, medium lunch and small dinner, relatively. Shifting calorie intake to earlier in the day will turn on metabolism earlier and you also have more time to burn it, but delay it you will gain weight. Eat frequent and Small meals with low glycemic foods every 3 hours will make you feel full and avoid hunger, but not too many calories. Do have 3 meals and 2 snacks a day and avoid late night snack. Don’t let stomach empty for more than 5 hours. Snack between meals with small handful of nuts and seeds, fruits, vegetables, or low fat dairy products. Don't skip breakfast and replace with late night snack.
How you eat foods is also very important. If you do have high glycemic index carbohydrates, mix them with vegetables, proteins or unsaturated fats, so they can be absorbed slowly over longer period of time to prevent blood glucose and insulin spike, and hunger 3-4 hours after meals. Slow absorption means longer digestion and increased metabolism. Always eat and chew slowly and accompany with soup, water or unsweetened drinks.
4. High water and fiber content foods and meals, and soups with lots of vegetables.
Eat foods and meals contain a lot of fiber and water, such as fruits, vegetables, stews, hot-pots and soups. I prefer vegetable soups, and have them almost everyday. People fail on diet programs because they can't get satisfied. The water can add volume and weight to a meal without any calories. Vegetables will also increase portion size without too many calories. Both fluid and vegetable will give you needed satiety. Adequate fluid intake is also necessary for maintaining good metabolic rate, removing waste and excess salt. Unsweetened drinks can be used if soup is not available. Try not to use too much fluid alone to fill your stomach because you won't feel full for long.
5. High degree of determination and self-motivation are very important.
Never give up in the middle of any diet program, but do modify it. Don't be upset over stalled weight loss after initial success because most of initial loss is water loss. Because dieting, especially low carb diet, will deplete stored glycogen, the later holds 3 to 4 times more water with it. As you lose weight the daily calorie requirement is also reduced. This is the time when more exercise will really help.
6. Addressing other medical problems.
Stress and emotional problem, allergy, lack of sleeping, thyroid problem, taking birth control pills and other medications, and other medical problems can all affect body weight. They all should be addressed properly.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
My Failure
Finally, in the summer of 2005 I found a balanced, healthier, and easier way to keep my weight down. I tried it in August 2005, and lost another 25 pounds, bringing me to 140. My waist size went from 36 to 29. With a new understanding of the main principles of dieting, I incorporated them with my own exercise program, which I did at home without purchasing any new expensive exercise equipment. Since 97% of all dieters failed in 5 years, I would like to let you know why I failed to lose weight in the beginning.
1. I tried to skip breakfast to reduce calorie intake.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and should be taken after morning exercise or within one hour after getting up. It will ease your hunger, keep you from overeating afterwards, increase energy levels, increase metabolism—and trigger more calorie burning. Skipping breakfast in the morning causes your body to burn a little muscle as fuel, if you wait too long before your next snack or lunch. With a big lunch and/or dinner, your body then builds the excess energy back as fat. The worst thing you can do is to replace your breakfast with a midnight snack. You might have the same calorie intake, but you will end up with more fat than muscle. You might weigh the same, but your size will increase because fat takes up more space than muscle.
2. I tried to reduce portion size, but still ate many simple and refined carbohydrates.
If you maintain a high glycemic diet (starchy and sugary foods) while reducing your total calorie intake, then your portion sizes will have to be reduced. Eventually, you will be so hungry that you won't be able to sustain this diet too long. A low glycemic diet (high fiber foods) will sustain you much better, with slow and prolonged glucose absorption, and you can still have adequate portion sizes. To further satisfy your stomach, you should have beverages such as unsweetened drinks, tea, coffee, or soup with each meal or snack. I prefer soup with a lot of vegetables.
3. I didn’t like vegetables.
I thought only rice, bread, pasta and potatoes would satisfy my appetite. Actually, I was craving high glycemic foods to satisfy my sugar addiction, which was probably due to high insulin (a pancreatic hormone) and transient hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Excess intake of starchy and sugary food leads to elevated blood glucose and increases insulin secretion. Too much insulin drastically drops the level of blood sugar and causes hypoglycemia and sugar craving. Leafy vegetables are super foods, and you can never eat too many of them. They make you feel full longer, and provide fiber, antioxidants, important phytonutrients, vitamins, calcium, and iron—but not too many calories.
4. I didn’t exercise because I didn’t think it was that important and didn’t have time due to my busy medical practice.
Actually, there was plenty of time to exercise, and I only needed 150 minutes a week. I could accumulate that much time just doing several short bursts of exercise on weekdays and longer ones on weekends. Without exercise, it will be much harder to lose weight by dieting alone. (The reverse is true: without dieting, exercise alone won’t help you lose weight, either.) The additional health benefits of exercise are as important as weight loss.
In a low glycemic state (during morning fasting before breakfast), dieting burns both fat and muscle, but exercise mainly burns fat as fuel. To lose weight by dieting might be faster initially, but exercise is healthier. By firming and building muscle, and burning more calories, exercise will sustain weight loss more effectively. Whenever you feel like your diet just won't be able to get rid of those last few pounds, adding a few more minutes of exercise every day will do the trick. Exercise may be especially helpful in reducing the size of fat cells around the waistline. Dieting alone showed no such change. This is important, because fat specifically in the abdomen has been linked to the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
Actually, dieting is a negative and restrictive concept, because you have to reduce your portion size and calorie intake. Instead, exercise is a positive activity because it makes you look better, feel better by releasing endorphins, and makes you want to do more, as well as making you fit. Exercise improves your physical and mental health. Exercise (and adequate sleep) also releases growth hormone, which promotes growth in children, increases calcium retention and bone density, increases muscle mass, promotes lipolysis (the breakdown of fat stored in fat cells) and reduces body fat, increases protein synthesis and stimulates the growth of all internal organs except the brain, and stimulates the immune system.
5. I didn’t really understand the concept of lifestyle modification, and went on yo-yo dieting.
“Lifestyle modification” means good eating choices and regular exercise. The right carbohydrates, lean meats, and good fats should be the main components of your diet, and they can be found in all major food groups. A low glycemic index (This index measures how much your blood glucose increases in the two or three hours after eating) and glycemic load carbohydrates (a ranking system for carbohydrate content in food portions based on their glycemic index and the portion size) will slowly replenish glucose and glycogen. Lean meats will supply amino acids to muscles and convert them to glucose if needed, esp. for the brain in a low glycemic state. Good fats include unsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids.
Having the right mix of food is very important. A small amount of high glycemic index food, mixed with vegetables, meats, or unsaturated fats, becomes low glycemic index food because the mix encourages slow glucose absorption. Different varieties of food also ensure that valuable nutrients are included in your diet. A lack of certain nutrients can make you hungry, even you already have adequate calorie intake.
If you try any diet program, don't ever lose and gain weight like a yo-yo. If you are not losing weight as you desire, find out what is the problem. Ask your doctor, nutritionist, expert or someone you know who has successfully lost weight. Never give up in the middle of your diet program, but do modify it. When you lose weight, up to 25% of this is muscle loss (which can be prevented by exercise), but when you gain weight back, almost all of it is fat. So even you go back to the same weight as before, your body size will increase because fat is much less dense than muscle. The fat takes up more space on your body.
6. I tried to starve myself into losing weight.
Actually, you should avoid excessive hunger, because it will trigger a “starvation protection mechanism” in your body and produce cortisol. It will also increase blood glucose by inhibiting tissue glucose uptake, store fat, and also increase appetite. A low glycemic diet and proper snacking will slowly replenish your supply of glucose and prevent hunger.
Snacks should consist of a small handful of nuts and seeds, skim milk, low-fat dairies and soy products, and/or vegetables. After the initial quick loss phase (first phase), you can add fruits as part of your snack and actually ease your craving for sweets. You shouldn’t have an empty stomach for more than 5 hours to avoid starvation protection, and you should resist having sweets between meals and snacks.
7. I usually ate more when I played golf or exercise and thought I needed it or could afford it.
Some people load up carbohydrates before, during or after golfing. They actually are taking in more calories than the exercise can burn. An avid golfer burns about 1000 calories in four hours by walking, but the percentage of overweight golfers is the same as the percentage in the general population. It is better to have normal meal, like a decent breakfast, before golfing, and a smaller snack or lunch afterwards.
8. I couldn't resist the craving for sweets and late night snack, which is usually a pretty large one.
If you have 3 meals and 2 snacks a day, you won't overeat due to excessive hunger. You should control craving with self-discipline, determination, and by devoting your attention to something else, such as exercise or listening to music. Craving will often go away if you can resist for 15 minutes. Actually, one of the best ways to lose weight in my experience is to go to bed earlier without late night snack, and have an early morning exercise.
Monday, February 8, 2010
My Experience
I can stick to my diet for a very long time, because I eat until I am satisfied with good choice of foods. I eat high-fiber, low glycemic foods (low in raising blood glucose level), lean meats, and unsaturated fats. I have drastically reduced the starchy vegetables, rice, bread, noodle, corn, and sweets in my diet. Besides all the non-starchy vegetables, I prefer seafood, skinless poultry, skim milk, low-fat cheese, eggs, nuts, seeds, soy foods, and a lot of soups, especially vegetable soups. These comprise more than 90% of all my foods. Vegetable soups are heavily weighted in my diet, and I have them almost everyday. I usually have 3 meals and 2 snacks a day, and avoid snacking within 3 hours of bedtime. One of the best ways to lose weight in my experience is going to bed earlier without late night snack, then doing an early morning exercise.
Having an understanding of the principles of weight loss, and a high degree of determination and self-motivation, are very important. The program should be a lifestyle modification, becoming a part of you, so that you can follow it effortlessly without counting your calories. If you have a high glycemic diet (starchy and sugary foods) with fewer calories than the body needs, a lack of adequate portion, with the fast rise and fall of your blood sugar levels, will make you so hungry that you won't be able to sustain your diet for long. A larger volume of low glycemic foods (low glycemic index: low blood sugar elevation after meal, and low glycemic load: low carbohydrate content in a typical food portion.) and proper snacking will sustain you much better with slow and prolonged glucose absorption.
Finally, I always remind myself that dieting alone without regular exercise will gain weight in the long run.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
My Answer
So my answer is to emphasize regular exercise and focusing on improving your metabolic rate, and a diet with plenty of non-starchy vegetables and soups, ideally vegetable soups.
1) Regular exercise: Exercise is the single most important factor in sustaining long-term weight loss. Besides my regular exercise program, whenever I have a break I climb stairs, walk around the block, or do some pilates with a chair--instead of taking a coffee break with snacks (even healthy ones). Exercise suppresses your appetite and keeps your mind off cravings for food. Exercise is a positive activity: it makes you healthier, as well as look and feel better. Dieting is a negative concept: it restricts your eating behavior and deprives you from some of your favorite foods. Both exercise and dieting can help you to lose weight, so it is a good idea to build on the positive first.
It is very difficult and unhealthy to keep on reducing your calorie intake, but you can always do more exercise. The US Health Department strongly recommends that adults consume a minimum of 1200 calories per day. In general, dieting helps weight loss more in the beginning, but regular exercise will sustain the weight loss longer, and reduce future failure. Dieting, without exercise, causes more people to fail in weight loss than do diet combined with regular exercise. Actually, dieting without exercise might be harmful to your health, and the failure rate is extremely high. When people fail, they gain significantly more weight. Even they only gain back the weight previously lost, they will have more fat and their size will increase. Rarely, if they are successful--reducing their weight to the ideal BMI (body mass index)--they might lose so much muscle that they may be unhealthy, unfit or look anorexic. In other words, you don't want to be a skinny fat person who has slim body with weak muscle and high percentage of fat, and the foundation for chronic disease.
2) High water and fiber content foods and meals, and soups with lots of vegetables: Eat foods and meals contain a lot of fiber and water, such as fruits, vegetables, stews, hot-pots and soups. I prefer vegetable soups, and have them almost everyday. The water can add volume and weight to a meal without any calories. Vegetables will also increase portion size without too many calories. Portion control is not really necessary. That might be the main difference from most of other diet programs. Both fluid and vegetables will give you needed satiety and prevent hunger. Adequate fluid intake is necessary for maintaining a good metabolic rate, removing waste and excess salt. Unsweetened drinks can be used if soup is not available. Try not to depend too much on fluid alone to fill your stomach, because it empties quickly and you won't feel full for long.
3) Improving the metabolic rate: Increasing your metabolism will burn more calories. Strength training and building muscle mass are the best ways to boost your metabolism. An active lifestyle, more exercise, short bursts of strenuous exercise, eating a proper breakfast, small and frequent meals, the right timing and right kinds of food, and plenty of salsa, spices or hot peppers will all increase your metabolism.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
There are many different diet programs. They all work in the beginning, because all they have to do is to reduce your calorie intake and recommend exercise. Almost none of them work in the long term. Several medical studies have found that low-carb diets can yield faster weight loss results than traditional diets--but after a while, the results from all diet programs are about even. It doesn't matter if the strategy is low carb with high fat (Atkins diet), high carb with low fat (most vegetarian diets), or any diet in between, you will still lose weight if you take in fewer calories than the body needs. This is because our bodies are very efficient at burning whatever energy is available. The difference is some programs can sustain longer weight loss for a few people. But most only lasts for a short time, and you will gain the weight back when you stop the plan.
The best diet is one that you can stick to, and that is not easy in the long term. In general, people initially lose 5 to 10 percent of their weight on any given diet, but ultimately gain it back, often with some additional pounds as well. A government review found that two-thirds of U.S dieters regained all the weight they had lost within a year, and 97 percent had gained it all back within five years. To achieve long term weight loss is a complicated issue and a balancing act. Good eating choices, with the right kinds of carbs, lean meats, and good fats, coupled with adequate exercise, are the accepted principles. You can't starve yourself, because in the long run, you will gain weight. Even healthy foods should be taken in moderation. Knowing when and how to take the right kinds of foods is also very important, and can help weight loss to last for a long time.
There are so many diet programs, your head will spin if you try to understand them and choose one to follow. The ultimate question is: Which program is healthiest, makes the most medical sense, is most effective in keeping the weight down, and has the longest lasting effects? I have tried the Atkins, cabbage soup, and South Beach diets, and they all made me lose weight--but not for long. Afterwards, I read more diet, nutrition, and exercise books, and researched medical and scientific articles. I came to understand that what I need is a lifestyle modification of good eating choices and regular exercise, just like every other diet program advises.
So there ought to be ways to make weight loss easier and more successful. Athletes and vegetarians are the groups of people who don’t have nearly as many weight problems as the general population. I want to think and do more like an athlete does. I want to lose weight mainly by increasing exercise and training like an athlete, but not necessarily like an Olympic hopeful. Although vegetarians tend to eat a lot of high glycemic foods (foods that rapidly increase the body's sugar levels), like bread, rice and pasta, they are very often consumed with a large volume of vegetables, so that glucose is absorbed slowly, similar to low glycemic foods. Vegetarian diets tend to be low in fats, so total calorie content is also low. That is why vegetarians have fewer weight problems. If most of the simple carbs in vegetarian diet are replaced by lean meats and unsaturated fats with equal or lower amount of calories, then it will make a very good weight loss diet for non-vegetarians.